Welcome Back to the Community Equipment Program!
Over the holidays, we were able to make some improvements to our website! The booking process should be a smooth and painless process for our customers.
Some of the changes you'll notice are:
- Detailed confirmation emails,
- Automatic reminders before your event with pickup and drop off procedures,
- Pick up and drop off times for the BBQs and Canopies,
- Delivery and pickup times for the Soundstages,
- A refundable deposit is required upon booking the soundstages,
- Pickup locations are accurate are based on the equipment you organization has booked.
Some changes that may affect your organization:
- Edmonton Barbecues are unavailable for the foreseeable future.
- The Lethbridge Soundstage is now by request only. Submit your request here: https://communityequipment.atco.com/pages/lethbridge-contact-us
We hope you enjoy the improved booking process!